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  1. please can someone provide kb830051 ??
  2. @ xable & Sereby thxxxxxxxxx this site is always the best!!! thanks so much :blush: :D
  3. i need KB951410 german. please :blush: :blush:
  4. great!!! thank you so much! i`ve downloaded it now and it works ;-)
  5. thxxxxx great i`ll try this one. so for now i`m only waiting for kb895312
  6. an please can you also provide kb895312 in german. thanks
  7. hello please can you provide kb921401 german thanks !!
  8. kb317279 i really need this >>> pleaseeeee thanks
  9. hello, i have server 2003 standard edition and need KB945119 in german. possible to upload it? would be really great
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