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The Hotfix Share


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Everything posted by xable

  1. Thank you petr, much appreciated.
  2. So you would like a seperate thread for xp/server wmp fix`s, ok that`s doable. I`ll change the title of the current one and you can make another for wmp server fix`s.
  3. Unfornunatly that`s a limitation of the indexing script i use.. it may be possible with a manual hack but i`m no php guru, will keep my eye out though.
  4. From now on if you`ve contributed to the share by either uploading or reporting fix`s you`ll get added to a special user group, this means you`ll get recognition for your contributions and a few forum privilages.
  5. Well it depends on your perception of the meaning of "Unofficial" doesn`t it. Seen as we don`t deal with none public KB`s i don`t see the need to clarify the differences, however, if enough people feel it would be good to change the wording i`m more than willing to do so. Maybe instead of Official/Unofficial - Publicly available/Request only would be better. I`m open to suggestions...
  6. So some of you may of noticed i`ve not posted any new fix`s recently, it seems MS have decided that i`ve had enough hotfix`s from them (over 100 by my count). My free support requests have been used up and generating new pids doesn`t work anymore either.. so it seems this is the end of this place unless you can help request fix`s. I had a thought that maybe if i can report my key as stolen and get a fresh one maybe i`d get my free support requests back.. worth a try i recon what do you thing? and if you know how to report a stolen key please let me know cuz i have no idea. Thanks.
  7. I see most of those on my local list but thx anyway. BTW codebox next time plz, i hate scrolling.
  8. Done. Topic Closed
  9. Here we have a list of official fix`s for dot net framework, you can report them here and they`ll be added to the list. = Validation Not Required = Validation Required
  10. Here we have a list of official fix`s for the windows xp media player, you can report them here and they`ll be added to the list. = Validation Not Required = Validation Required
  11. Here we have a list of official fix`s for xp, you can report them here and they`ll be added to the list. = Validation Not Required = Validation Required
  12. That`s pretty conclusive then.. i`ll get it sorted tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who voted.
  13. Hmm, i mean a section on the forum not the share.. pointless archiving public fix`s imo but helpfull to report them so were aware of them...
  14. Is it somthing you would like to see? You don`t have to say anything if you don`t want.. as long as you vote
  15. OK i`ve checked 893371 and it is indeed a SP2 fix, however, it is made obsolete by the current IE cumulative hotfix. So it won`t be going into the share unless somone can give a good reason why you wouldn`t install 916281. Petr, Don`t get us wrong, we appreciate your contribution and thank you for it.. this place can do with more contributers like yourself and the_guy.
  16. Added the 3 fix`s we need and 893371 is for SP1.
  17. xable


    Welcome pcservicetech, glad your getting use of it and yep i love autoindex, can`t beat it. Would like to be able to limit uploads to a single folder though or be able to include 2 installs on one page but nonetheless it`s an awsome script. Thanks to all for your appreciation and also thanks to the mods boooggy and the_guy who kindly help take some of the load off.
  18. Method 1 This is an online form which instantly sends you the hotfix, trouble is it`s not always available or doesn`t always list all possible hotfixes. Put the hotfix number on the end of this url and complete the details. If the hotfix isn`t listed try the other methods below. Method 2 Go to this page, fill in the KB number, product version and other details. Method 3 - Requires a legit retail product key! Go here, select your product and follow the options.Get your PID from display properties (WinKey+Pause) and paste it into the form.Enter your request along with the OS version, your name and email address. Click submit and your done.You should then be sent the hotfixAgain, this method Requires a legit retail product key, if you don`t have one it will ask you for payment. Method 4 Failing all of the above you could try phoning microsoft or post a request here in the request forum and hopefully someone will be able to get the hotfix for you. Don`t forget to come back here and upload it for everyone to share
  19. This is a list of Language Neutral .Net Framework 2.0 Hotfix`s that need requesting. If you need a hotfix that`s not already in the download centre reply to this thread with the KB number and architecture type. = Need`s Requesting = On Request = Requested
  20. This is the old request thread, the new one can be found here.
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